Wednesday 18 February 2015

Drama Review - Healer

I have just finished watching this drama and I am blown away. After a long time, I watched a k-drama, which made me watch it in one go. I thought that I was cured from my k-drama addiction, but Healer proved me wrong...I am still a person who cannot leave "Dramaland" for the sake of the "Real Life".

Firstly, let me tell you, that there is nothing new in this drama. Story and concept of this drama is not original, however the drama itself is original.

N.B. I won't spoiler.


Rating - 9/10

The story is about a man called Helaer who works as a " night errand boy" (Ji Chang Wook). He would accept any job (mission) except for murder. His support and sort of a partner is "Ahjumma" (Kim Mi Kyung), who is an excellent hacker. Healer's only dream is to save up enough money to buy a deserted island and live there till the rest of his life. His dream, however changes when he receives missions from a famous reporter Kim Moon Ho (Yoo Ji Tae). The missions concern one girl, Chae Yeong Shin (Park Min Young).

The drama is very well written. I was never bored and I did not fast forward, as I tend to do, lately. Many people stated that they were confused watching the first couple of episodes and  they actually started to like it from episode 3 or 4. Well, that was not my case. I loved it since the first episode. I found the drama refreshing and I was looking forward to watch a drama about "night errand boy" job. Then after the second episode it turned more into the romance sphere as well and I was kind of disappointed. But not for long (about 10minutes) because  I started to be captivated by the story.

The writers did a really good job with dialogues and the drama as a whole. It was gripping, entertaining, funny, serious and action-packed. This combination calls for a perfect drama.

However, I had to deduct one point for the story-line and that was the ending. The ending was good in general but it was not perfect. If they extended the final episode for about 10 minutes, that would be enough to be a perfect ending. Just to let the viewers know how all the characters ended up.

Comparison to City Hunter
I think that if you watched City Hunter, you will find few similarities with this drama. I have got a similar feeling about those dramas. But it is not like Healer copied City Hunter, not at all. I loved City Hunter, but I have to say that Healer is way better (one of the reasons is also the ending).


Rating - 10/10

The cast in general was chosen very well and every actor did a great job. Some of the cast was a surprise for mea and some of the actors just confirmed that they are stellar.

Ji Chang Wook
as Healer/Seo Jung Hoo/Park Bong Soo

It was my first time watching something with him. I've just seen him on RM (ep. 211-212) and remember me saying that he is really handsome and kind of naive. It was fun to watch him.

He was a big surprise for me. His acting was really good and I was immersed by his looks, attractiveness but mostly by his character, Healer.

I have just simply loved his character. Why do I always fall for characters which are good at martial arts?

After I started to watch this drama I looked him up and I found out that he is a very diligent actor. He tries his best to act out a character in the most realistic way possible. For this role, he took lessons of martial arts and I also found out that one of his characters in the past was a speed skater and for that he trained really hard. This preparation stuff and devotion to the role reminds me of Hyun Bin.

Also you could have seen the diversity in his acting here - he has shown his serious side, but also a comedic side. Not many actors can pull it off as well as he can.

He is definitely an actor I will pay attention to in the future.

Isn't he handsome?

Park Min Young
as Chae Yong Shin/Oh Ji An

Well, honestly I am not a fan of Park Min Young. Whenever someone mentions her name, the only thing I can think of is her plastic face. I would get over her getting a plastic surgery if she was a great actress, but I didn't see her in that way (after watching City Hunter and Sungkyungkwan Scandal).

I also almost skipped this drama because of her. In the end, because of the high ratings on MDL, I gave it a shot. And I am glad that I decided to watch it in the end.

Well, I haven't really changed my mind about her as an actress, but I have to say that her acting improved a lot. I did not mind her here. I could have seen that she was immersed into her character and she portrayed her character very well. 

The character of Chae Yeong Shin was a strong character, very likeable and not weak at any point (even though we could have seen some of her weaknesses). I really enjoyed her character. Great job, Park Min Young!

Yoo Ji Tae
as Kim Moon Ho

Yoo Ji Tae is a top notch actor. My first time seeing him was in "Ditto". I have seen this movie a long time ago and I don't really remember his performance there. 

However, he proved here that he is a Top Actor. In the beginning I wasn't sure if he is the bad guy or the good guy, if he is just a pretentious reporter or is he actually a passionate reporter seeking the truth.

Throughout the drama, I was able to read him more. This made his character very interesting, you were not sure what he was actually thinking. However, he could express his emotions very well in a way. It is really difficult to describe it, you just have to see it yourself.

Kim Mi Kyung
as Ahjumma/ Jo Min Ja

Also I have to mention Kim Mi Kyung. Healer was the first drama I actually liked her character in. I usually find her characters and acting annoying, but I did not mind her this time.

Park Sang Myun
as Chae Chi Soo

Beside Healer, my favourite character was Park Sang Myun's character. Such a cool dad he was. Great performance by this ahjussi. I loved every scene he was in.


Rating - 8/10

Music was good but nothing special. This is the only thing which is worse than in City Hunter. City Hunter's OST is one of the best I've heard so far, but it is also the broadcasting station thing. In my opinion, SBS generally has better OSTs than KBS or MBC. I am not saying that every time, but generally speaking, it is like that.

As for Healer's OST, except for two songs, none of them stuck in my head. I really liked the song "Eternal Love" by Michael Learns To Rock and the instrumental main title. 

The instrumental music fitted well, but the composed music was not catchy enough.

"Eternal Love" by Michael Learns To Rock

Main Theme


Rating - 10/10

As for me, It was one of the best dramas I have seen so far. It had everything I was looking for in drama - drama, romance, action, entertainment, comedy, dialogues making sense, outstanding cast etc.

"Thanks" to Healer I was not available in the "Real Life" for 20 hours. So if you are planning to watch it, make sure that you have no assignments to hand in or anything like that, or you will end up like me...being addicted to the story and not being able to escape the "drama land" for 2 days.

Well, actually, it has been three days since I finished this drama and I am still not in the "Real world" properly.

And if a drama has a such huge impact on you even after finishing it and you have to think about it all the time, then it must be an amazing drama!

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