Wednesday 4 February 2015

Running Man...why I love this show!

It has been more than one year since I discovered the great variety show called Running Man. At that time, I was not aware of what I am missing on.

The first episode I ever watched was ep.166 featuring Park Shin Hye, Kim Woo Bin and Choi Jin Hyuk as guests. At that time, I was so eager to watch "The Heirs" and I just followed everything, which was related to that drama. That is how I found out that the cast will appear on one episode of some variety show, which was totally unknown to me at that time. So I said, I could give it a try and see what it is. It might be fun! And I am so glad I did it. The episode was so funny and even though I lacked a lot of background knowledge, I enjoyed that episode.

And I was anticipating "The Heirs" even more. Funny thing is that I actually dropped this drama after 13th episode or so, as even my love for Kim Woo Bin could not help me to finish that drama. It was like BOF ever again, which is not really my 'cup of tea' drama.

Anyway, after watching "The Heirs" episode, I looked Runing Man up and I found out that many my favourite actors etc. appeared on that show. So I made a list of episodes I will watch, and because I started to like it more and more, I decided to watch all of them from the first episode.

I fell in love with this variety show and the members. Now, I feel like a part of their family as well. I learned so much about Korea through this show and it gave me quite good insight into Korean entertainment industry.

Thanks to Running Man, I discovered many actors, singers, places I want to visit etc. Thanks to Running Man, I know that even during bad times, I will have 90minutes, where I will feel relaxed and laugh out loud. Running Man always makes me smile and I cannot imagine my daily life without watching Running Man.

Thank you very much, Running Men!

Now I would like to talk about the cast a bit. Based on age, I will start with...

Ji Suk Jin

Frankly, he is not my favourite member at all, "I Swear...". I have never really liked him, but I guess that without him, Running Man would not be the same. Who would be the Race Starter? :D 

The legendary video of "I Swear" --> ep. 8

Yoo Jae Suk

The Nation's MC is one of my favourite members. I think that he is a really modest, caring and respectable person. No wonder that he is one of the most popular people in South Korea. He deserves the respect he gets. He is also a great MC and comedian. He definitely livens up the mood in RM. He always tries to make the guests feel comfortable and when watching RM closely, it can be seen how caring he is. Just to write about this person would make an article itself so I will stop here. I just hope that through this comment, it can be seen how I respect this man and it would an honour for me to meet Yoo Jae Suk personally.

This is why he is so popular. Natural, always humble and caring.

Kim Jong Kook

Even though, the Commander is not my favourite, I still respect him. I am not a huge fan of his music, but I must admit that few of his songs are in my iTunes library. My favourite song by him is probably "Men Are All Like That" (I like the MV as well). I would have never guessed that he is a ballad singer, based on his appearance. He is not my favourite because, sometimes I find him annoying on RM, but sometimes I find him really funny. He also gained plus points from me for his English :) I hope that he will find his future wife soon, from RM it can be seen that he is shy around women, so I hope he will overcome this and find a good girl.

As stated above, my favourite song by him, "Men Are All Like This".

Kang Gary

My favourite member is definitely Kang Gary. I don't really know why I like him so much. It might be the fact, that he seems very straightforward and honest, as he cannot lie or hide something well. He also seems very humble. The biggest reason, why I love him, is because of LeesSang. LeesSang music is my kind of music. It is a bit different and unique and I so love it. The melodies of the songs and lyrics are just perfect (check out some of their songs and you will see). 

Even though, he may seem not so bright on RM, I think that he is a really intelligent man, just google some of his quotes and you will see how wise they sound. My favourite quote is: "I can only do my best in my own ability", which basically means to stop comparing yourself with others, because you can only do your best within your abilities. Another reason why I love him is that he is such a good speaker, so creative with words and funny - just watch him on "Come To Play" episode, which was filmed before RM started.

Many people say that Gary is ugly and such. I have never ever found him ugly. I think that he is really charming, he has its own attractiveness.

I could go on and on to talk about him. I just simply love him. I would really like to meet him in person. Btw, I am a shipper of Monday Couple :)

One of my favourite songs by Leessang, "Life is Beautiful"


Haha is also my favourite. He is so funny and I love his relationship with Gary and Kim Jong Kook. Even though, many people say that after he got married he kind of lost his charm (being playboy), but I think, he is still the same old Haroro. He is quick-witted and definitely one clever man, who should not be underestimated. I hope that he will win some race soon, as he has not won for a long time and he definitely deserves that :) Oh, have I mentioned how talented dancer he is? I also think that he could be a great actor.

I love when he dances on Turbo's songs :d

Song Ji Hyo

Song Ji Hyo is not really my favourite member, however, I must say that sometimes is great. She is not really funny, which I love about people, that might be the reason why I don't really like her. I think that her beauty is stunning. I really appreciate that she does not wear thick make up and instead shows us her true face, she is also an actress without a plastic surgery, which I appreciate even more. However, I think that in the early episodes, she looked more natural. She was slightly tanned and that suited her well. Now her skin looks a bit unnatural. Also, I really liked her in the beginning, where we slowly got to know her, e.g. about her temper. But nowadays, I think that she pushes her personality aside in order to let the guests shine, which I don't really like. I think that she can still be herself and let them shine, but not putting such constraints on herself, it just doesn't suit her. I also think that if there was another female member, she would not appear as Ace as much. However, in some situations, I think that she is amazing.

Her famous "Hot issue" Dance :D

Lee Kwang Soo

Girin is so funny. He is also so pitiful, no one has such a bad luck as him :D The gods of variety are definitely with him. I loved Kwang Soo so much in the early episodes, when he was framing other members. It was so much fun, watching him framing them with a straight face. Then he changed into betrayer, I don't really like this character of his. But it is well-known that he is a really mic person. It can be seen in many episodes of RM as well (e.g ep. 219, where he gave the ahjummas the hot packs). 

I also consider him to be a very good actor. And I don't find him ugly, he has his own way of attractiveness, similar to Gary. His acting skills are really great so I hope that he will be in good projects in the future :)

This video is so funny :D

One of my favourite episodes, ep. 14

To conclude this article, I looooove Running Man and I hope that the show will never end, or at least in the near future, despite the low ratings.

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